Health professional licensing boards sometimes are subject to third party program reviews, or audits, the timing of which is outside of their control. Examples include sunset reviews, special investigations commissioned by a governor or state legislature, and in-depth investigative reports by the media. Some board members and board executives grow weary when faced with these types of program reviews, especially investigative reports by the media.

Some boards try to stay ahead of the curve by commissioning third party program reviews on their own. This webinar consisted of a report by the executive director of a board of nursing who commissioned an independent review of her boards program for chemically dependent nurses. She shared with listeners why she and her board chose to take this action, and how her board responded to the recommendations offered by the outside reviewers. (Full disclosure: In this case, the Citizen Advocacy Center conducted the program review).

Julie George
Executive Director
North Carolina Board of Nursing

Julie George has a Masters degree in Nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has 38 years of experience as a registered nurse and over 15 years of experience in nursing regulation. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the North Carolina Board of Nursing, and as Treasurer for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).

Ms. George was one of the inaugural cohort of nurse regulators to complete a four year fellowship in NCSBNs Institute for Regulatory Excellence. She developed and implemented the Practitioner Remediation and Enhancement Partnership (PREP program) and the Just Culture pilot program in North Carolina. She is known nationally as a strong advocate for incorporating a Just Culture in nursing regulation to promote learning and enhance patient safety.

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